Breaking news
  1. Announcing The 2023 Botswana Open
  2. 2023 Botswana Open
  3. It’s a Silver for Chelsea and Tshegofatso
  4. Tsiang Reaches AUSC R5 Games Finals
  5. Mark and Chelsea Reach Semifinals – AUSC R5 GAMES

NEC Ethics & Code of Conduct


The Association recognises the huge contribution made by committee members. The purpose of this Code is to maintain high standards of conduct, assist individuals in their voluntary role and to protect the best interests of our Association. Conduct within the Association is driven by our Association values. This Code of Conduct for Association Committee members is part of our overall set of Association codes.Committee members should hold their position primarily for their knowledge, skill set and experience and their ability to actively contribute to the running of the Association.


As an Association Committee Member I will

  • promote the values, aims, rules and regulations of our Association by acting as its ambassador and advocate always presenting it and its members in a positive light
  • act only in the interests of the Association as a whole not individuals or small groups
  • listen and respect the views of others and always use appropriate and respectful language and behaviour
  • help establish and maintain a comprehensive set of Association rules and regulations that are regularly reviewed
  • manage Association funds so as to maximise value for money in all Association financial dealings
  • champion equality and respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the Association, regardless of gender, race, marital status, colour, disability, sexuality, age, occupation, religion or political opinion
  • has a duty to use due care and diligence in fulfilling the functions of office and exercising the powers attached to that office

Actively contribute to the effective work of the Association Committee by

  • good preparation for meetings by reading all papers which have been circulated prior to meetings
  • regular attendance, participation and contribution at meetings including constructive challenge when appropriate
  • dealing with issues of agenda clarification before meetings and maintaining a sharp focus on agenda items in meetings so that time is used effectively
  • respecting the office of the “Chair of the meeting” to ensure the orderly conduct of meetings and any management of conflict
  • attempting to reach decisions by consensus and always publically support group decisions even if my personal opinion is different
  • ensuring timely response to, and completion of, agreed actions
  • supporting fellow Committee members in their leadership of the Association
  • attending the Association AGM and any other meeting as and when required
  • attend relevant training events and take reasonable steps to ensure that I am aware of the development of sport policy and other issues which may affect my role or the Association

I will not

  • attempt to exercise individual authority over the Association or its committee members except as explicitly set forth in agreed policies or my assigned lead responsibility areas
  • become inflexibly caught up in promoting my own views at meetings
  • gossip or act with bias or prejudice towards others
  • use offensive or discriminatory language or behaviour
  • keep quiet if I have concerns about the Association
  • fail to deliver on my commitments as a committee member
  • publically disagree with decisions that the committee takes as a group, even if I have a different personal view
  • Indulge in intimate relationships with other fellow committee members
  • Should not engage in any conduct likely to bring discredit upon the Association
  • make improper use of the information acquired as a Member of the Executive Committee or Sub-Committee
  • allow personal interests, or the interests of any associated person, to conflict with the interests of the Association

Declarations of Interest

  • All Committee members are required to:
  • complete and sign the Declaration of Interests form(s) and comply with the Association conflict of interest policy and procedures as amended from time to time
  • ensure that private or personal financial interest never influences decisions
  • ensure that the position as a Committee member is not used for personal gain
  • disclose any direct or indirect interests which could influence judgment or give the impression that the Committee or Committee member was acting for personal reasons


Committee members should not pass any confidential information gained through their involvement with the Association to a third party without the approval of the Chair. Confidential information received by a Committeeman in the course of their duties remains the property of the Association from which it was obtained and it is improper to disclose it, or allow it to be disclosed, unless that disclosure has been authorised by the Association, or the person from whom the information is provided, or is required by law.

Outside Activities

Committee members should consider themselves at all times as being potentially regarded as ambassadors of the Association and should, therefore, ensure that none of their other activities has the effect of bringing the Association into disrepute.


Committee members’ conduct may be considered to be unsatisfactory when a breach of the Association rules, regulations, this Code or any legal obligation has occurred.

In cases where there is concern that a Committee member’s conduct may be considered unsatisfactory, the following procedure will be adopted:

  • The Chair will arrange for an investigation of any allegation of misconduct to be undertaken to establish the facts
  • The Chair will invite two other members of the Committee to form a Committee Misconduct Panel (the Panel) with him/her to consider the facts and to determine what action should be taken; if the complaint concerns the Chair then the Director of Finance will convene the Panel.
  • The Panel will determine what action should be taken
  • The action taken will depend upon the seriousness of the misconduct and any previous misconduct

In cases of serious misconduct, the Panel will seek a Committee member’s voluntary resignation from the Committee and if such resignation is not forthcoming, formal procedures will be taken in accordance with the Association regulations to remove the Committee member.

A Committee member has the right to appeal against any decision made and may make an appeal by writing to the Chair within 14 days of being notified of the decision by the Panel setting out the grounds on of the appeal.

The full Committee (excluding the original Panel members and appellant Committee member) will hear any such appeal. The Chair may request up to two additional members of the Association, with relevant experience, to be co-opted, with voting rights, to the appeal panel if the remaining members of the Committee do not have a quorum. A Committee member will act as Chair of the appeal panel discussion and the appeal panel’s decision will be final.

In cases where the Chair feels it is necessary, the relevant Committee member may be suspended from attendance at meetings of the Committee while the matter is being investigated.

Member Grievances

This procedure for individual grievances covers those matters which are specific to the individual Committee member in relation to his/her service as a Committee member not to any general grievances.
If the Chair has a grievance about another Committee member, he/she should raise the matter directly with the Committee member in question. If no resolution is found, the Chair will raise the matter in writing, to the Director of Finance (or other named Committee official), who will investigate and determine the appropriate course of action in consultation with the Association Vice Chairman – Admin
If a Committee member wishes to raise a grievance, he/she should write to the Association Chair setting out the reasons for the Grievance.
If the grievance relates to another Committee member the Chair should investigate and determine the appropriate course of action. If the grievance relates to the Chair, then the Director of Finance (or other named Committee official) should receive the grievance in writing, investigate and determine the appropriate course of action.
If the Committee member is not satisfied with the reply which would normally be sent within 21 days of the original grievance, he/she may appeal to the Chair (or other named official if the Chair has not been dealing with the grievance), in writing outlining the grounds for the appeal.
The appeal will be referred to a Committee Grievance Appeals Panel; the composition of this panel will be determined by the Chair if the original grievance was concerning the Chair, and will comprise of three members of the Committee who are not included in any way with the grievance.
Appeals will normally be heard within 28 days of lodging the appeal. The decision of the panel is final; there is no further appeal under any circumstances.